Contra Costa County EMS Receives Opioid Program Grant

Contra Costa County Emergency Medical Services and its partner agencies received a two-year $450,000 grant for a pilot program that allows Paramedics to work with outreach workers to improve care for those with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). This is the first project in the State that allows Paramedics to administer Buprenorphine.

Buprenorphine is also known as Subutex. Subutex can be administered via the sub-lingual, buccal, injectable, transdermal, and subcutaneous implantable routes. This medication is used once withdrawal symptoms have begun and for the first couple days of treatment, and is usually combined with Naloxone to discourage misuse. Maximum relief usually occurs within 24 hours.

EMS1’s staff reporter, Laura French, interviewed CARESTAR CEO Tanir Ami, saying that the grant fits squarely with CARESTAR’s goals to strengthen partnerships and build knowledge in injury prevention, emergency response, and trauma care.

Click here for more information.

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