EMS Aides in Delivering COVID-19 Vaccine

On average, there are approximately 1 million COVID-19 vaccines being administered daily. It’s estimated that more vaccines will become available in the coming months. Dr. Fauci, the nation’s senior official for infectious disease, states, “We would need 50% of the American population to be vaccinated to see an impact. 75% to 85% to have herd immunity.” The question you may ask yourself as an EMS provider is: How does this affect me?

EMS providers were in the first phase of vaccination. You may have already received your vaccine, but with 164.1 million Americans who need to be vaccinated in order to reach an impactful state, this has become an all-hands-on-deck situation. EMS professionals nationwide are aiding in the goal of getting America vaccinated.

Yet, this may spark more questions, such as: Where can I find additional information and training?

On February 7, 2021, the NHTSA Office of EMS released a training resource titled “Just in Time.” This document provides training resources to the EMS professional on how to administer the COVID-19 vaccine.

The list of resources include:

  • COVID-19 Vaccine Training for EMT;
  • An Intramuscular Injection skill checklist;
  • A training video on COVID-19 vaccine administration; and
  • An EMS Vaccine Administration Program manual.

It is encouraged, to view the above resources if you are asked to participate in the vaccination program.

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